Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm going to dive straight into exactly what I wanted to discuss today.
Two words, One mega delicious man


I think I may have watched his second movie yesterday and oh my sweet Lord! He's gorgeous. Beyond! I didn't watch the Star Wars saga because I'm not really into that type of sci-fi, but I did see Jumper and Awake in that order. It's not just his absolutely slick, regal looks that get me excited about him. He's actually pretty convincing in his flicks. Jumper was a pretty good movie having read the book before (but they're almost completely different), but I watched Awake just yesterday and I can't stop thinking about it!
The plot is so gripping and it was like he pulled me into the screen, into the story of his life. Did I mention how hot he looks when he cries? I've never seen any guy who looks as breath-taking as him when he gets teary. Anyways, Awake covers a really controversial issue and that's what I like about it; it really digs in deep into how a person experiences under the knife raw. No protective shield of numbness. I'm pretty sure it's a lot more intense in reality but it was still so thrilling watching his alter-ego recollect his life before he loses his grasp of it.
Man, I could watch it again and again! And now, I'm a bit more immune to watching blood and grotesque images! I admit the human heart is a very natural thing but actually seeing it really makes me gnaw my teeth and shudder while clenching my fists. It was a bit disturbing, now it's not that much disturbing.
Hayden is such a luscious, eye-candy, though. I cannot stop looking at that picture. Can you? Anyways, that's about all I had to get out of my system today. Basically, I realized that Hayden, as fine as hell he is, he's also beautifully natural in the movies I've seen. Yum!

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